Directed by Ted Watts Jr. and Anne Conti
Audition Date & Time
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
CHILDREN (ages 6-18) - arrive by 7:00pm​
ADULTS - arrive by 8:00pm
Callback* Date & Time
Thursday, September 8, 2022 – 7:00pm (invite only)
*Not being invited to callbacks does not mean you won’t be cast.
If you are unable to attend day of auditions but would like to audition, please email jkemp@theacademytheatre.org.
Audition Location
The Academy Theatre Rehearsal Studio, 275 Chestnut Street, Meadville, PA 16335
40-60 seconds of a Broadway style song of your choice
Songs from Oliver! are permitted. ​
Must have accompaniment (either piano or karaoke track)
Pianist will be provided.
Speaker will be provided for phone/device.
***CHILDREN​ (ALL children auditioning for Oliver/Artful Dodger/Workhouse/Fagin KIDS)
If you are auditioning for OLIVER, you must prepare "Where Is Love"​​
Use the following video links to prepare.
*Only the instrumental version will be permitted at auditions!​
If you are auditioning for ARTFUL DODGER, you must prepare "Consider Yourself"
Use the following video links to prepare.​
*Only the instrumental version will be permitted at auditions!​
"Consider Yourself" DEMO TRACK VIDEO
If you are auditioning for Workhouse/Fagin Kids, you may prepare either "Where Is Love" or "Consider Yourself"
There is no need to prepare a monologue or dance routine. We will have sides to cold-read.
Dance auditions will take place at the beginning of callbacks.
Principal Roles
Oliver Twist:
An orphan workhouse boy (girls will be eligible), age range 8-13, singer (smooth boyish soprano)/actor. British (not cockney) accent, bright and innocent. This character is in approximately 80% of the scenes; parents should note he/she will be required at rehearsal more than any other person in the show.
Artful Dodger:
A street kid, age range 13-18, singer/actor. Cockney accent. Very energetic, highly personable, intelligent and savvy beyond his years, Fagin’s right hand “man”.
Middle aged leader of a children’s band of thieves, age range 35- 50s, singer/actor. Cockney accent. Described as devious, a user, sly fox, con man, very personable.
When she was younger worked for Fagin, now a “barmaid” at the Three Cripples Bar, age range 20-30s, singer (good belt)/actress should have decent movement skills. Cockney accent. She lives with and loves Bill Sykes, pretty, intelligent, longs for a better life.
Bill Sykes:
Also worked for Fagin as a youth now a feared master criminal, age range 20-30s actor/singer (baritone). Cockney accent. Good looking in a rough sort of way, sociopath, a killer who only looks out for himself.
Mr. Bumble:
The Master of the Workhouse, age range 35-55, singer (high tenor)/actor. Cockney accent. A large, pompous and corrupt bureaucrat.
Widow Corney:
The Mistress of the Workhouse, age range 30-50, singer (soprano belt)/ actress. Cockney accent. Sharp tongued widow, also corrupt.
Nancy’s friend, may also have worked for Fagin, age range 16-25, singer/actress should move well. Cockney accent. She idolizes Nancy.
Other Roles
Mr. Sowerberry:
The undertaker, age range 30-45, actor/singer (baritone). Cockney accent. Kind of creepy, “buy” Oliver from Bumble to work in the funeral home as a coffin follower, may be an alcoholic.
Mrs. Sowerberry:
The undertaker’s wife, age range 30-45, actress/singer (mezzo). Cockney accent. More business savvy than her husband.
Noah Claypole:
Undertaker’s apprentice, age range 18-25, actor. Cockney accent. May have also come from Workhouse. Feels threatened by, dislikes and torments Oliver.
Sowerberry’s daughter, age range 16-21, actress. Cockney accent. Attracted to Noah, kind of flirty.
Mr. Brownlow:
Older gentleman, age range 40-60, actor/singer. British (not cockney) accent. Kind upper class gentleman, Oliver’s grandfather.
Dr. Grimwig:
A doctor, age range 35-55, actor. British (not cockney) accent. Upper class, friend of Mr. Brownlow.
Mrs. Bedwin:
A housekeeper, age range 35-55. British (not cockney) accent. Works for Mr. Brownlow. Warm personality.
Workhouse & Fagin KIDS:
Age ranges 6-18, will cast boys AND girls. We are looking for boys and girls who are bright and personable!
Townspeople: POSH (Upper Class) and COCKNEY (Lower Class) Stage age 18 and up, all vocal ranges. Workhouse assistants, street vendors, townspeople, merchants, bar keepers, pub patrons, policemen, night watchman. Some individual lines. Singing and dancing in ensemble numbers.
Not a fan of the spotlight, but still want to be involved? We need volunteers for everything from hair and make-up to crew and lights. Send an email to jkemp@theacademytheatre.org
Friday, December 2, 2022 at 7:30pm
Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 7:30pm
Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 2:00pm
Friday, December 9, 2022 at 7:30pm
Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 2:00pm
Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 7:30pm
Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:00pm
Friday, December 16, 2022 at 7:30pm
Saturday, December 17, 2022 at 7:30pm
Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 2:00pm